Aug 30 09
Sunday morning.
I just arrived so I haven't had time to find a church. Old Cedar Park Northshore Podcasts will suffice till I can find a congregation. Thanks for the tip, Heather.
I woke up to tapping on my door and the announcement that we were going to the market. I guess we needed more food, this time fruit. I threw on some clothes, rushed up stairs and began on my favourite breakfast.
We all got into the family van and headed out. In the car, we all listened to Mika. The kids favourite song is "Lollipop" and I think we went through at least three encores before any other song came on. They knew the words. We all sang together. How happy.
When we got there, Daniel asked if I felt different in France. What? We were in France again? Oh joyous day.
I guess shopping in the market is a popular thing because the streets were packed like Pike Place during tourist season - but there weren't any tourists to be seen. We were there for fruit. Wonderful fruit. Precious fruit. We got plums. Lots of mini plums, I was delighted.
I played with the kids by the brook and Alex dipped his foot in the water and got it wet. We wandered through the streets, quite the task with 5 of us trying to stick together. We stopped at a butcher's stand and got some raw meat and sausages. Time to go back to the car.
Drove home.
The family napped.
I played Rush Hour with Oleann a bit.
I made myself a bank out of our take out containers as well as a few picture stands.
We piled into the car, for a second time, for a trip to Nyon. Time for Maggie to see the great city. We strolled the water front. The Swiss are big on family Sundays and it was evident as we saw parents, kids, and grandparents all together walking along.
On the water, they had a huge slide. It wasn't regulated, but it was huge, wide, and steep. When people when down it they would skid on the water for a few feet before sinking in. I love Switzerland. I love how they can have that and not worry about being sued. Kids would run up it and fall down again or climb up by holding onto the sides.
We walked into the heart of the city for some much needed ice cream. It must have been the best ice cream in the region because the line coming out of the shop was extensive. It would even rival Molly Moon's. I was informed that indeed, it was the best.
We waited our turn and ordered. I got cinnamon, a good choice in my opinion. I think Oleann disagreed after a small lick. Perfect summer days. Water. Ice cream... all over the kids' faces. Smeared on. Dripping onto the cobblestone streets.
Daniel and I talked about the economy a bit and how Switzerland hadn't suffered as much as places such as the UK and Iceland.
I bought four postcards.
We headed back to the water. To the playground. Played. Then Alex had to go the bathroom. We went home. On the car ride home I showed them the cow hand shake and we built thumb towers.
Back home it was time to talk about the schedule. I found out that life would be a lot less strenuous than I thought it would. I don't even have to take Oleann to school in the morning every day which means some days I don't have to be anywhere till 12:00. I'll talk more about my responsibilities and schedule in another blog.
Dinner was bread, meat, and cheese. They had this really strong cheese that was unbelievably awful.
After dinner I went for another stroll with Alice. I enjoyed her company and we did friend profiles. I told her about some of my summer mates and my best friends. We went back to my room and hung out a bit, then she had to go home and help her host dad with a translation.
Good night world.
Sunday morning.
I just arrived so I haven't had time to find a church. Old Cedar Park Northshore Podcasts will suffice till I can find a congregation. Thanks for the tip, Heather.
I woke up to tapping on my door and the announcement that we were going to the market. I guess we needed more food, this time fruit. I threw on some clothes, rushed up stairs and began on my favourite breakfast.
We all got into the family van and headed out. In the car, we all listened to Mika. The kids favourite song is "Lollipop" and I think we went through at least three encores before any other song came on. They knew the words. We all sang together. How happy.
When we got there, Daniel asked if I felt different in France. What? We were in France again? Oh joyous day.
I guess shopping in the market is a popular thing because the streets were packed like Pike Place during tourist season - but there weren't any tourists to be seen. We were there for fruit. Wonderful fruit. Precious fruit. We got plums. Lots of mini plums, I was delighted.
I played with the kids by the brook and Alex dipped his foot in the water and got it wet. We wandered through the streets, quite the task with 5 of us trying to stick together. We stopped at a butcher's stand and got some raw meat and sausages. Time to go back to the car.
Drove home.
The family napped.
I played Rush Hour with Oleann a bit.
I made myself a bank out of our take out containers as well as a few picture stands.
We piled into the car, for a second time, for a trip to Nyon. Time for Maggie to see the great city. We strolled the water front. The Swiss are big on family Sundays and it was evident as we saw parents, kids, and grandparents all together walking along.
On the water, they had a huge slide. It wasn't regulated, but it was huge, wide, and steep. When people when down it they would skid on the water for a few feet before sinking in. I love Switzerland. I love how they can have that and not worry about being sued. Kids would run up it and fall down again or climb up by holding onto the sides.
We walked into the heart of the city for some much needed ice cream. It must have been the best ice cream in the region because the line coming out of the shop was extensive. It would even rival Molly Moon's. I was informed that indeed, it was the best.
We waited our turn and ordered. I got cinnamon, a good choice in my opinion. I think Oleann disagreed after a small lick. Perfect summer days. Water. Ice cream... all over the kids' faces. Smeared on. Dripping onto the cobblestone streets.
Daniel and I talked about the economy a bit and how Switzerland hadn't suffered as much as places such as the UK and Iceland.
I bought four postcards.
We headed back to the water. To the playground. Played. Then Alex had to go the bathroom. We went home. On the car ride home I showed them the cow hand shake and we built thumb towers.
Back home it was time to talk about the schedule. I found out that life would be a lot less strenuous than I thought it would. I don't even have to take Oleann to school in the morning every day which means some days I don't have to be anywhere till 12:00. I'll talk more about my responsibilities and schedule in another blog.
Dinner was bread, meat, and cheese. They had this really strong cheese that was unbelievably awful.
After dinner I went for another stroll with Alice. I enjoyed her company and we did friend profiles. I told her about some of my summer mates and my best friends. We went back to my room and hung out a bit, then she had to go home and help her host dad with a translation.
Good night world.
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