I am thankful for... sick days.
Being sick usually just gets me down. I hate the thought of missing out on life, but today's sick day turned into a time for thought and relaxation.
I woke up at 6:00 AM, prepared to head to a Rotex weekend in Chur. The moment I heard my ring-tone blast through the room, I knew today was not going to be a day for adventures. A sore throat and pulsing head sent me to the kitchen for a quick cup of tea and then back into bed.
11:53, my day begins with social networking and spätzli. Instead of taking a four hour train ride, I had stayed in bed and gotten the rest I needed.
I tidyed up my room for a day of relaxation, all to the tune of Jamie Cullum.
I then worked on my agenda, gluing in pictures of lavendar honey and a snippet of an outfit I liked from the newspaper. Red vest. brown jacket. Small bow-tie. I think my brother could pull it off.
By 1:30, it was time to settle into bed again. I grabbed my history books and tried to make a dent in the assigned reading. I have never felt so un-like a student, yet there is no denying my status of a college kid, right now. A college kid who lives in the mountains of Switzerland and fills her days with walks through the village instead of roomates and long lectures.
To the soundtrack of Finding Neverland I made it through a few pages of my assigned reading. I was already curled up in bed and the transition to sleep came easily.
5:30 PM. Good morning world? I'm greatful Christine gave me a call as it kept me from missing out on the rest of this day. I had been dreaming about the history of aircraft in the Italian part of Switzerland, Ticino. It was a scholary dream. I have the vague memory of a house in Kentucky as well. Maybe that is where I will be someday.
I made myself yet another cup of tea, all in the name of hydration and comfort.
I then connected to the world outside my bedroom in the basement through the world wide web.
Unmotivated to stay up in a horizontal position, I crawled back into bed with some books I had selected to read for pleasure. Currently I am working through two simple books.
Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Caroll, 1962.
Daddy-Long-Legs, by Jean Webster, 1912.
Both have timeless canvas covers and were printed in Great Britan.
I lit a candle from the sack and put on some calming Christmas music. Michael Bublé, McFly, and many classics that you know, but you didn't know you knew, sang through my room as I got lost in the worlds of the books I am reading.
Here are some thoughts I have been having today:
Kentucky. I still think about Kentucky all the time, maybe even daily. Will I end up there someday? I've been looking up some Christian colleges located there.
College. I could have had a roomate by this time and been experiencing a new world. Life is full of alternate possibilities. I chose Switzerland.
Anti-social. No, I am not anti-social, being alone on a Saturday night, I am sick and should stay in bed rightly so.
Farewell. Alice flew away from Switzerland today at 7:00 PM. Knowing I don't have a friend to call on at any hour for walks or long conversations leaves me feeling a bit empty. She was such a major part of that which I have come to call my Swiss life.
Bed. I love having a huge bed. I love pulling the covers up to my chin and feeling safe and secure. The sheets are fresh and it feels likes the luxury of a hotel.
Candles. They have the power to change the mood of any room and slow down time.
"People sleep peaceably in their beds...."
George Orwell