In Switzerland there is a major city called Zürich.
20 minutes from the main station is a small station called Schörlistrasse.
3 minutes from Schörlistrasse is a small appartment complex.
On the second floor of the complex is a near empty appartment.
In that appartment is a well lit kitchen with onions on the wall.
In that kitchen is a delightful, joyful, dancing girl.
In the hands of that delightful, joyful, dancing girl is a brand new Jamie Cullum album.
I've been waiting for quite some time for Jamie to put out something new and finally it is here.
I rarely purchase actual CD's, but in this case, I felt the desire to (plus, it wasn't on iTunes yet). It came out today in Switzerland, or perhaps yesterday. It comes out March 2, 2010 in the United States.
I went to Ex Libris and immediately found the new album.
No dissapointment in this purchase.
54 minutes.
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