I want to do a blog of things I am simply grateful for, I do. Here we go.
I am grateful for my American family. My really family. I love their quirks and all those things that make us the Hubert family. I love that Jesus is the foundation of our family.... and music! I love making cookie dough with Dad. Talks with Mom. Walks with Ian. Sometimes I miss living with those folks, in a home where I can blast my music and have jam sessions with my friends at night.
I am grateful for my Belgian host family. They really are good to me. There is a high level of communication between me and the host parents and I know I can talk to them about any little problem to avoid bigger miscommunication. They give me my space and simply expect me to fulfill my duties as an au pair living under their roof. They give me true freedom and allow me to have friends over for visits, even for a couple nights.
I am grateful for my fish.
I am grateful for Alice living across the street and what a good friend she is.
I am grateful for the Hagons who live across the street.
I am grateful for the beautiful walks to school with Oleann and Nadine.
I am grateful that I am allowed to use an awesome bike in Switzerland.
I am grateful for my huge bedroom in the basement.
I am grateful for the orange blanket from Callie and Lorilee before I left.
I am grateful for the shoes and the backpack I got from Monica before I left.
I am grateful for Mr. Chuck and the birthday present I have yet to open.
I am grateful that I have this opportunity to learn French.
I am grateful that I have already found a wonderful youth group.
I am grateful that I was able to visit Obwalden twice already and see my friends.
I am grateful that Lisa was able to lend me her crutches.
I am grateful for the tea last night from Corey instead of having to wait an hour at the station.
I am grateful that my classes start late enough that I can use my Gleis 7 and travel free.
I am grateful that my host family has so many movies that I can watch in French.
I am grateful for the rhubarb yogurt in the refrigerator and the English breakfast in the cubboard.
I am grateful that the last au pair left me some of my favourite Herbal Essence conditioner.
I am grateful my feet don't stink.
I am grateful for all of the pictures people have made for me.
I am grateful that I am living in such a beautiful place, again.
I am grateful that I am able to sleep in till 11:00 each morning, if I choose.
I am grateful that we have wireless internet that I can use.
I am grateful for an iPod full of songs.
I am grateful that I found a way to get a cello for the year.
I am grateful for trains.
I am greatful that when people ask me how I am doing, I can honestly answer with the truth.
I am grateful for Swiss chocolate.
I am grateful for late night walks.
I am grateful for postcards and letters and packages that show up in the mail.
I am grateful that I am in Switzerland.
I am grateful for my friends back home who haven't forgotten me. For the ones that still keep in contact with me likes we we're still together. For the ones I know will still be there for me when I get back. For the ones that give me a reason to come back, someday.
Life here might not always be easy. It is filled with its daily challenges and setbacks. But I know one thing, life is beautiful, and that's one things to be grateful for.
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